The body is your vehicle through which to embody your experience. To feel your shift and transformation as it takes place. You want to feel more depth, more fire, and more joy.. ​

Concentrated and powerful, your movement experience will enable you to break through, to grow, to try new things, to conquer fear, and to achieve more than you ever thought you could in an environment that is safe for your needs, encouraging for your goals, and compassionate to your individuality.

You will begin to move from and feel into your inner strength, lighting the spark for your personal transformation!​

I am there to serve as your partner, support, and guide on your journey. I am fully dedicated to ensuring every experience is rich, deep, and vibrant. Whether in a yoga and ayurveda inspired flow or during a modern dance class, this is an embodied experience guided by and honoring your inner wisdom.​​

My work with you is likely different than anything you’ve experienced. You will feel my presence in the room, not only guiding you with my voice, but also with my hands providing gentle and safe adjustments when needed and desired. I am always attentive to your needs while encouraging you to be present and feel the sensations of the movement.

You will begin to fulfill what has been missing, providing you with the confidence to move through your practice and life with strength, confidence, and ease.

You will arrive fully present and ready to immerse yourself in the movement, energy, and sensation of the practice that takes you to a whole new level.

Prepare to come alive in a whole new way.

“Heather is an awesome teacher and a constant inspiration! Heather has a great sense of humour and high spirit  that brings warmth to the class and creates a relaxed and enjoyable environment. I absolutely love Heather’s enthusiasm – she takes this everywhere she goes – on and off the mat. This is a huge motivation for myself and I am sure all of her students because it makes you feel as if she is speaking to only you. Heather Rocks!”
Theresa M.


Energetic healing and craniosacral work are ways for us to align energy centers in our bodies to help us live full, nourished, and authentic lives. I work in a very subtle and gentle way…simply holding space for you…your thoughts, feelings, energy, and emotions. We will work with whatever emerges and is ready to be seen, never forcing or demanding the body, mind, and soul to do more than it is prepared for.​​

Before your session, I encourage you to take some time to think about what is happening in your life physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Is there an area of your life you want to focus on or change? Is there a physical ailment you are working with? Take some time by finding a quiet space and tuning in to yourself. You may want to write some thoughts in a journal, meditate, or simply sit and reflect. When you come to your session, we can talk about as little or as much as you like in relation to your reflections.

During a session, I will gently place my hands on areas of the body that are “speaking” to me…holding space for subtle shifts to occur. I never have intentions for “fixing” or “changing” anything…in my opinion, everyone comes to this work whole, complete, and perfect…just as you are. All you need to do is arrive with an open mind and willingness to get to know yourself in a deeper and more profound way.

These sessions can assist you with physical pain related to injury or chronic disease, migraines, and tension headaches. In addition, energy healing can help shift what is being held in the body on an emotional or energetic level, helping to unravel past trauma or patterns of tension in the body. As things begin to move, a variety of things might happen – you might feel a variety of sensation in the body including tingling or “pins and needles,” release, pressure, or your limbs might twitch. You may experience visions, see and feel different colours, or smell and hear things. You may simply fall asleep – with or without dreaming – and awake feeling refreshed and revived. Anything and everything is possible and it is all perfect…just as it is!​​

When our energetic system is in balance, we find ourselves empowered from a loving, compassionate, and nurturing place. We have the ability to speak with clarity, tune into our emotional state, and step into our life’s purpose with authenticity and joy.​​

To book a an energetic healing session, contact Heather.

Self-Care for the Soul: Embodying Self-Love1

Next workshop to be announced soon! Online and at Nourish Wellness, Comox, BC CAD $40

Space is limited!

A Saturday morning full of conversation, nourishing food, mindful movement, and community. This is part of a quarterly series where we explore different facets of self-care (you do not need to attend all to participate).

Taking time to sit with our own self-talk and thoughts about how we truly feel about ourselves in a safe space, we will move and share in conversation designed to up-level our self-love.

This event will feature a morning Restorative yoga practice before we move into a session designed to inspire you to think differently about yourself – in body, mind, and spirit.

To register, click here.

The Vision Summit

Originally live February 20-22, 2020


USD $47

Are you ready to make 2020 your year of vision? If so, I have an exciting (and free!) event to share with you.

If you want to clarify and take action on your vision this year, I highly recommend you check out this online summit.

The Vision Summit is a 3-day online experience (originally going live February 20-22, 2020) designed to give you the insights and inspiration you need in order to clarify what you want, take steps toward it, and learn to trust and appreciate yourself and your journey.

Hosted by Heather Evans and Melissa Steginus, two coaches passionate about self-empowerment and manifestation, this event is designed to lead you to fully engage in your life. You’ll get powerful techniques and practices that you can apply right away to feel energized, empowered, and equipped to manifest your highest vision for your life and self.

The details:

The summit ran from February 20-22, 2020. During these 3 days, myself and 16 other speakers and practitioners shared our journeys, lessons, and expertise on topics like: self-love, personal empowerment, manifestation, and so much more. You’ll get access to our interviews as well as practical tools and techniques, meditations, mindful movements, and exclusive bonus offers!

If you’re interested, register here!

You’ll hear deeply personal and moving stories and gain resources that address real-life issues, showcase vulnerability, and provide useful tools and approaches to nurture personal growth. From all the speakers and teachings in this free summit, you’ll get powerful techniques and practices that you can apply right away to:

  • Stop demonizing your past self and begin to thank, love, and appreciate that person
  • Appreciate where you are on your journey and take steps forward from an empowered place of gratitude
  • Shift your perspective to believe you’re not broken or in need of fixing
  • Tune into yourself in body, mind, heart, and spirit while learning to love yourself unapologetically

Are you in?

To register, click here.

The Self-Love Sessions

Self-Guided Online Program

Click here to enroll today!

USD $47

The path to personal empowerment starts with self-care. In this online experience, you will have the opportunity to explore topics and practices designed to help you increase your alignment with your truth.

With thoughtful lectures, mindfulness practices, self-reflection exercises and so much more, you will take control of your life and step forward onto your path of purpose with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose.

If you are ready to do a deep-dive into what loving yourself fully can do for you, join now!